This is where I’ll keep a running commentary on all my works in progress. As I’m just starting my journey, right now we’re at a pretty basic level of news: November, 2024
My Urban Fantasy series Hound of the Gods is going well! Book one is War Dog. This series currently has 6 books planned consisting of two trilogy arcs that connect heavily to each other but should be able to be read as stand alone trilogies (unless…you know…a publisher reads one and decides to beg me to write the next 17 volume urban fantasy series…jk/nk). As of 11/08/2024, I have 34 rejections from agents, so I’m over the “how cool to be part of the process!” and firmly into the “Just give me chance” phase. I’ve also redone my Query about 6,000 times…lol
The Second Book tentatively titled The Hands that Feed, has received a plot treatment (I don’t outline) and a full chapter synopsis treatment. I have mapped out both subplots, and added them to the chapter synopsis treatment. I’ve also written the first nine chapters. I am over 40 K words into the book now and it’s coming along, but I’ve put down fewer words in the last two months than I’d like.
Writing doesn’t happen in a vacuum, so there’s all sorts of stuff riding alongside and screwing up the flow. most people call it life, I guess…I call it annoying. I have a new job that requires four weeks of training on various schedules which has thrown my schedule upside down. Add in, my yearly inclusive and adapted martial arts tournament, my three students testing for their Black belts in two days, and all the other stuff…yeah. I’m a little behind on the second book.
But at least I’ve got three short stories published this year! Go see my library page to read about them or buy them.
Daniel Nick